Download file get nothing intelligible -why?

Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Hi, Thank you for posting the query on Microsoft Community. Method 1 Check the Device status in the Device Manager. Press Windows and X keys together. Click on Device Manager. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to A. User's post on August 15, I have the same problem. Any suggestions out there?

Sharath Srinivasa. In reply to ScottVranes's post on September 7, Pancho El Bestia. In reply to Sharath Srinivasa's post on September 8, Thanks in advance. In reply to Pancho El Bestia's post on September 15, Hi, Thank you for posting you reply. Hope the information is helpful. User's post on September 18, Anyone out there had success with K-Lite? How did you configure it? A: No, the app currently only plays DVD movies on optical discs.

In reply to DouglasCoats's post on October 4, In reply to VShafer's post on October 21, I'm interested in the solution to this as I have the same problem. Windows 7 played. VOB files fine. Windows 10 wont! In reply to SDT's post on December 31, Hi, Thank you for visiting Microsoft Community. Have you tried the suggestion provided by Sharath Srinivasa? At some point in your career, you'll have to recover data. The smart practices discussed above can minimize how often this happens, but there's no avoiding this problem.

Don't wait until disaster strikes to get familiar with data recovery tools. After you set up your local and remote backups, implement command-line trash bins, and limit the rm command, it's time to practice your data recovery techniques. Download and practice using Scalpel, TestDisk, or whatever other tools you feel might be useful.

Be sure to practice data recovery safely, though. Find an old computer, install Linux onto it, and then generate, destroy, and recover. If nothing else, doing so teaches you to respect data structures, filesystems, and a good backup plan.

And when the time comes and you have to put those skills to real use, you'll appreciate knowing what to do. More about me. Relive our April event with demos, keynotes, and technical sessions from experts, all available on demand. Enable Sysadmin. How to prevent and recover from accidental file deletion in Linux. There are practices that can help you reduce desperate pleas to recover lost files, but eventually, something will go wrong.

Here's how to avoid file deletion drama, prepare for when it happens, and respond efficiently. Back up You knew this would come first. Ban rm On modern operating systems, there is a Trash or Bin folder where users drag the files they don't want out of sight without deleting them just yet.

Use the shred -u command instead, which overwrites, and then thoroughly deletes the specified data However, if you don't want to actually remove data, don't use rm. Respond efficiently Unfortunately, it can't be helped. Before you even start, understanding what caused the data to be lost in the first place can save you a lot of time: If someone was careless with their trash bin habits or messed up dangerous remove or shred commands, then you need to recover a deleted file.

If someone accidentally overwrote a partition table, then the files aren't really lost. The drive layout is. In the case of a dying hard drive, recovering data is secondary to the race against decay to recover the bits themselves you can worry about carving those bits into intelligible files later.

No matter how the problem began, start your rescue mission with a few best practices: Stop using the drive that contains the lost data, no matter what the reason. The more you do on this drive, the more you risk overwriting the data you're trying to rescue. Halt and power down the victim computer, and then either reboot using a thumb drive, or extract the damaged hard drive and attach it to your rescue machine.

Do not use the victim hard drive as the recovery location. Place rescued data on a spare volume that you're sure is working. Don't copy it back to the victim drive until it's been confirmed that the data has been sufficiently recovered. First, Peter van Inwagen argues that since an undetermined free action is impossible, no agent-causal theory of undetermined free action is correct.

Nonetheless, I underscore the point that my agent-causal view best explains our pre-theoretic commitment that no directly free action could be determined. Generate Citation Usage Details. Abstract My dissertation maintains that the best theory of free will is an agent-causal view of the sort proposed by Timothy O'Connor.

Large or infrequently accessed files can take several minutes to retrieve from our archival storage system.


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